BSCF Objection to Planning Application for Employment Area at Bishop’s Stortford South
By EmailDevelopment ManagementEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 22 July 2021Attn: Ms Fiona Dunning Dear Ms Dunning YOUR REF: YOUR REF: 3/21/1493/REM – Employment Area at Bishop’s Stortford South 2 years ago Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation (BSCF) attended meetings at East Herts District Council for overall approval of the development of Bishop’s Stortford South. At the time […]
BSCF objection to application to demolish the Masonic Hall, Hadham Road
Development ManagementEast Herts CouncilPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 17 November 2019Dear Sir or Madam BISHOP’S STORTFORD MASONIC HALLYour ref: 3/19/2002/FUL I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation to object to this application. As noted in the applicant’s Heritage Statement, the building has a important history in that it is one of the last […]
BSCF Comments on Castle Gardens Planning Application
Kevin Steptoe EsqHead of Planning and Building ControlEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG18 8EQ 15 January 2019CASTLE GARDENS, BISHOP’S STORTFORDYour ref: 3/18/1922/FUL – Landscape redesign of the town centre park… Dear Kevin I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation about this application. The Federation has taken part in the discussions leading to the […]
BSCF email to Cllr. Tim Page to ask that consideration of the planning application for Bishop’s Stortford South be deferred to a later date
5 March 2019 Sent by email Dear Cllr Page I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation to you in your capacity as chairman of the Development Management Committee and also as a Bishop’s Stortford Councillor about the amended planning application for Bishop’s Stortford South. The original application generated an unparalleled number […]
BSCF objections to amended planning application for Bishop’s Stortford South
Development ManagementEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 23 February 2019 Sent by email Dear Sir or Madam BISHOP’S STORTFORD SOUTH Your ref: 3/18/2253/OUT I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation to object to this amended application. The amendments leave the substance of the scheme unchanged and do nothing to address the grounds of […]
BSCF letter to the Planning Inspectorate for confirmation of refusal of planning permission
The Planning InspectorateTemple Quay House2 The SquareBristolBS1 6PN 1 December 2019Dear Sir or Madam Thorley Street Paddock, Bishop’s StortfordYour ref: APP/J1915/W/19/3236746 I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation in respect of the appeal against the refusal of planning permission of the above application, to ask that the Inspector confirm the decision […]
BSCF letter to Uttlesford District Council on planning application by Stansted Airport
The Planning DepartmentCouncil OfficesLondon RoadSaffron WaldenEssexCB11 4ER 22 March 2018Dear Sir or Madam PLANNING APPLICATION BY STANSTED AIRPORTYour ref: UTT/18/0460/FUL UTT/18/0460/FUL I am writing on behalf of Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation about this application by Stansted Airport to increase its capacity to 43 million passengers per year (mppa) – compared with the 26 mppa who […]
BSCF letter to Secretary of State seeking national determination of planning application by Stansted Airport
Rt Hon James Brokenshire MPSecretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local GovernmentFry Building2 Marsham StreetLondonSW1P 4DF 23 November 2018Dear Secretary of State STANSTED AIRPORT PLANNING APPLICATIONUTT/18/0460/FUL I am writing on behalf of Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation about the application by Stansted Airport to increase its capacity to 43 million passengers per year (mppa), compared […]